About GamersBooks.com

Hi, the webmaster here! My name is Robert and I'm a programmer and a gamer. For all the games that I enjoyed a lot, I love to dive deeper into the lore and take a peek behind the scenes. So naturally I'm really into gaming books and guides.

I always like to wait for great deals to buy not only games, but also the gaming books and guides I'm having my eye on. But I couldn't find any online pricewatch tools which focus on these gamer's books. So I made my own! Perks of being a programmer :-)

The website you're now visiting is the result of this idea, creating a clear cut online pricewatch tool with as much content as possible, and still growing each week. I use affiliate links to link to all webshops, whenever they provide them. If an affiliate link is not available, I'll still include the webshop in my pricewatch. Having a complete overview of online prices will always be the priority of GamersBooks.com.

If you like this site and the fruits of my labour, please consider purchasing your books through one of the affiliate links on this website. This will grant me a small percentage of income for each purchase you make after following these links. With these earnings I'm hosting and maintaining this website. And if there are any earnings left, than I will gladly invest these in new games and new books for myself, my family and my friends. So money well spend I would say :-)

Thank you for any support you can offer and hope you'll find the great deal you're looking for!

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